Hitsugaya Toshiro

Hitsugaya Toshiro

Bleach origins

The story opens with the sudden appearance of Soul Reaper Rukia Kuchiki in Ichigo Kurosaki's bedroom. She is surprised at his ability to see her, but their conversation is interrupted by the appearance of a "hollow", an evil spirit. After Rukia is severely wounded while trying to protect Ichigo, she attempts to transfer half her powers to Ichigo in order to let him face the hollow on equal footing. Ichigo instead unintentionally absorbs almost all her energy, allowing him to defeat the hollow with ease. The next day Rukia appears in Ichigo's classroom as a seemingly normal human, and informs Ichigo that his absorption of her powers has left her stranded in the human world until she recovers her strength. In the meantime Ichigo shelters Rukia in his home and takes over her job as a Soul Reaper, battling hollows and guiding lost souls to the afterlife realm known as Soul Society.

After a few months of this arrangement, in the sixth volume of the series, Rukia's Soul Reaper superiors find out about her giving her powers away (which is illegal in Soul Society) and send a detachment to arrest her, and sentence her to death. Ichigo is unable to stop Rukia's capture, but with the help of several of his classmates who also possess spiritual abilities and ex-Soul Reaper and captain Kisuke Urahara, he sets off for the Soul Reaper base, located in Soul Society. Once there, Ichigo and company battle against the elites of the Soul Reaper military, and are ultimately successful in halting Rukia's execution.

It is then revealed that Rukia's execution and Ichigo's rescue attempt were both manipulated by Sōsuke Aizen, a high ranking Soul Reaper previously believed to be murdered, as part of a far-reaching plot to take control of Soul Society. Aizen betrays his fellow Soul Reapers and allies himself with the hollows, becoming the main antagonist of the series, and Ichigo teams up with his former enemies in Soul Society after learning that the next step in Aizen's plan involves the destruction of his hometown.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

5th division vice captain

Hinamori Momo
A sweet, gentle, and somewhat naive girl who seems entirely unsuited to be a vice-captain in the rough and dangerous world of Soul Society. Despite her cute and innocent appearance and demenour, however, she can cross swords with the best of them, and is an accomplished master of kidou.

She has idolized Aizen Sousuke since before she became his vice-captain, and holds an almost unhealthy degree of loyalty to him, particularly in times of extreme emotion.

Hinamori's best friend, however, is Hitsugaya Toushirou, captain of the Tenth Division (whom she calls "Shiro-chan" for short, much to Hitsugaya's annoyance). They have known each other since before they were shinigami, and she seems to love him as though he were her younger brother.

-Zanpakutou's name is Tobiume
-Devoted to her captain, Aizen, and would do anything for him; she was horrified when she found Aizen's body, and she was sure that Ichimaru had done it so she went after him, but Kira stopped her; later when Rangiku gave her the letter it said that it was Hitsugaya who had murdered Aizen so she went after Hitsugaya, even though they were friends, but Hitsugaya knocked her out
-Followed Hitsugaya and Rangiku to the Council 46 chambers, where, after they left, she Ichimaru and he took her to where Aizen had been hiding; Aizen then stabbed her and left her for dead
-Captain Unohana was able to save her life
-She had been used by Aizen because of her devotion to him; Kira and Renji were also manipulated by Aizen and Ichimaru

5th division captain

Aizen Sousuke
Captain of the Fifth Division. A rather unassuming individual, but one with great depth. Sousuke is a brilliant thinker and fighter--probably the second most powerful captain after Yamamoto--and is respected among shinigami for his chivalrous demeanour. He seems to be wary of Ichimaru Gin and his motives.

He acts gently toward his subordinates, particularly Hinamori Momo, his vice-captain. He recognizes the respect she has for him, and plays along with her hero-worshipping.

His zanpaku-to is the amazingly devious and powerful Kyouka Suigetsu.

-Zanpakutou's name is Kyouka Suigetsu and its ability is absolute hypnosis
-Tried to kill both Hinamori Momo, and Captain Hitsugaya
-Told Hitsugaya that he never considered anyone but Ichimaru Gin as his vice-captain
-His entire plot was formed so that he could get the Hougyoku, a mechanism created by Urahara that could tranform a Hollow into a shinigami or vice versa instantly, thus allowing the new creation to exceed the natural power limits of either a shinigami or Hollow; Urahara had hidden the Hougyoku inside of Rukia's soul, and when Aizen found this out he orchestrated everything to allow him to get the Hougyoku, and in the end he did get it
-As soon as he found out that Rukia was in the living world with the Hougyoku he killed the Central 46 Committee, and either he or one of his men stayed there acting as the committee and passing decisions; they arranged for Captain Kuchiki and Renji to apprehend Rukia in the living world, and then for her gigai to be destroyed; decided to use the Soukyoku to execute her, the intense heat from the Soukyoku would dissolve the soul around the Hougyoku; but in case that didn't work he researched Urahara's records to find a way to remove the object from the soul, which he did, and removed the Hougyoku from Rukia's soul without killing her
-Left Soul Society with Ichimaru and Tousen, though a "Negation" beam which is a method the Menos use to rescue their comrades in battle

4th division vice captain

Kotetsu Isane
As kind-hearted and mild as one would expect from the Fourth Division, but seemingly having a slightly more combative nature. She is extremely loyal to her captain, whom she idolizes, and has a sister (Kiyone) who is ranked as third seat of the Thirteenth Division. Not much else is known about her.

-Sister of Koutetsu Kiyone, 3rd seated officer (#2) of the 13th Division
-Zanpakutou's name is Itegumo

4th division captain

Unohana Retsu
A kind and peaceful woman, who is perfectly suited to be Captain of the healing-oriented Fourth Division. She seems willing to help almost anyone in need, but don't let her motherly appearance fool you; she is highly intelligent and possesses an extremely strong will.

Though possessed of a compassionate personality, Unohana ultimately remains loyal to the core principles of the Gotei 13 and Yamamoto Genryuusai, even at times when she seemingly feels that official policy is not the right course of action.

She has not engaged in any combat to date, but wields the healing zanpaku-to Minazuki as her blade of choice.

-Zanpakutou's name is Minatzuki; when released it looks like a huge one-eyed stingray and it carries the injured in its mouth and heals them
-Kind and quiet demeanor

3rd division vice captain

Kira Izuru
A thin and somewhat neurotic individual, Kira is good friends with fellow vice-captains Hinamori and Abarai. He seems a decent enough sort, but is also extremely loyal to his captain, Ichimaru Gin. This sometimes puts him in difficult positions, where he is forced to choose between loyalty to his captain and loyalty to his friends.

-Zanpakutou's name is Wabisuke; it has the power to increase the weight of anything it touches, each hit doubles the weight
-Manipulated by Ichimaru and Aizen; he fought with Rangiku and lost; he later apoligized to Rangiku about what had happened, and she forgave him and they got drunk
-In the same class at the Central Spirit Technique Institute as Renji and Momo, who were also manipulated by Aizen

3rd division captain

Ichimaru Gin
The sly-faced, perpetually smiling Ichimaru seems to be almost totally amoral, willing to injure even his own comrades if it helps him get what he wants.

Ichimaru's personality is inscrutable. It is impossible to tell if his ever-present grin is merely a facade to hide his true thoughts, or if he really does take devilish glee in the various tragedies he sets in motion.

As with most captains, Ichimaru's past is shrouded in mystery. However, he seems to have a rather strong relationship with vice-captain Matsumoto, who is probably his only true friend.

Ichimaru's zanpaku-to is Shinsou, which he uses with impressive skill, if rather indiscriminately.

-Zanpaktou's name is Shinsou; it looks like a short sword or knife, but when releases it can grow to skewer someone a great distance
-Speaks with an uncultured accent
-Has known Rangiku since they were children and he found her passed out from hunger and he offered her food
-Rukia has always had a very creepy feeling about him; she would sometimes meet him while she was walking with Byakuya; he went so far as to tease her by telling her that he could get her out of the execution; he was only kidding, but in doing so he broke her resolve
-Left Soul Society with Aizen and Tousen

2nd division vice captain

Ohmaeda Marechiyo
Descended from one of the noble families in Soul Society. Omaeda is an enormous individual, dwarfing his petite Captain. He is also her opposite in personality, being rather a buffon and not especially bright. Not much else is known about him.

-Zanpakutou's name is Gegetsuburi, and looks like a huge flail (stick with a free-swinging spiked ball attached by a chain)
-Almost always seen eating or picking his nose

2nd division captain

Soi Fong
Captain of the Second Division, and Commander of Covert Operations and Executive Militia.

Not much is known about Soi Fong. She is from a lower noble that served the great Shihounin family, and became a comrade of Shihouin Yoruichi (former Captain of the Second Division) at a young age.

In combat, Soi Fong wields Suzumebachi, one of the more unique Zanpaku-to. She also seems to have the entire Covert Operations division at her beck and call, ready to fight at a moment's notice.

-Used to be Yoruichi's subordinate; became captain after Yoruichi abandoned Soul Society
-Zanpakutou's name is Suzumebachi; its special ability is Nigeki Kessatsu (Death in two step) which consists of "Houmonka" (Hornet's crest) which leaves a shi no ikuin (death stamp) on the target's body, and if an attack strikes the Houmonka a second time, the target will die
-Thought she had created the technique Yoruichi called "shunkou", and she planned to surprise Yoruichi with it but was instead surprised that Yoruichi already knew it and was at a more advanced stage of it than she
-Was very upset that Yoruichi had left Soul Society, and sad that she had been left behind; her sadness grew into anger, and she trained so that she could become stronger than Yoruichi, but she still ended up losing to Yoruichi in their fight

1st division vice captain

Sasakibe Choutarou
Not much is known about this man, other than his outfit, which is somewhat different and more formal than those of the other vice-captains. Judging from his appearance, face, and weapon, it is probably a safe guess that he is a sophisticated sort of man.

-Zanpakutou's name is Gonryoumaru

1st division captain

Yamamoto Genryuusai Shigekuni
Yamamoto-taicho looks like a very old man, almost after the fashion of the Taoist Immortals, but under his shinigami robes he still has a strong body that has not decayed with age. His spiritual pressure is possibly greater than any other being in Soul Society; it was enough to paralyze Ise Nanao--the Eighth Division Vice-Captain--with a mere glance. He wields Ryuujin Jakka, the strongest of all fire-type zanpaku-to. His skill in kidou is unknown, but probably as formidable as his swordsmanship, as he appears to embody the convention of the "old master."

Kyouraku Shunsui (8th Division Captain) and Ukitake Juushiro (13th Division Captain) seem to have a particularly strong relationship with Yamamoto-taicho. He mentions that they were the first graduates of his shinigami academy to rise to the rank of captain, and some clips from the anime show Yamamoto-taicho sparring with the two (and easily winning).

-Supreme commander of the Gotei 13
-Zanpakutou's name is Ryuujin Jakka; it is a fire-type zanpakutou
-Founded the Central Spirit Technique Institute, the school where prospective shinigami go to train

Bleach 2 part 3/3

Bleach 2 part 2/3

Bleach 2 part 1/3

bleach 1 part 2/2

Bleach 1 part 1/2